Thursday 26 December 2013

Happy holidays!

Mr Miller wants to send his Mackenzie sports fans a happy holidays. He is currently in small town Manitoba next to the Ontario border.Say Mr Miller, how cold is it?? Well today warmed up to -11. Most days the temperature has been between -21 and -37. brrrrr. COLD. gotta keep moving so my son and I are playing alot of hockey on an outdoor rink! Yes that's right.It is so cold you can make an outdoor rink and have it frozen 4 months a year. Fun times. Hope you all got great gifts from Santa now get outside in that warm Vancouver weather and play.

Friday 13 December 2013

Team Canada wins again

Team Canada won there 5th straight futsal game today 4-0 vs. the grade 7 all stars. The grade 7's gave it there best but clearly are no match for the mighty teachers. Maybe a new strategy is necessary.Perhaps they will come up with one last try next week.........

Thursday 12 December 2013

Team Canada makes it 4 in a row....

Can anyone knock off these titans of futsal? The combined skill of Millway,
Martin, Miller and Coo came up with a 2-0 win today against a select team of Mackenzie all stars. The gym was packed yet again as Team Canada put on a dazzling display of passing and shooting skill unseen before in these parts, along with some Luongo like goalkeeping from Mr. Miller. (hey Miller who writes this blog anyway!?).  Mr. Martin came up big scoring both goals for team Canada as they extend there winning streak to 4 in a row. Undefeated in the season. Can anyone knock off this power house squad? What's next? who dares to take on Team Canada now?

Grade 6's come from behind victory in floor hockey

Once again the grade 6 boys proved they are all around athletes with a come from behind win against the grade 7's, 9-8 this morning in front of a packed audience. The grade 7's took control early and half way in I thought the 7's were just to strong. However, just like in there volleyball finals the boys hung in and found a way to pull it off. was it pretty? Nah. Was there some controversy? Yeah. Alot. This however, is a huge part of sports.Questionable calls that lie on the fence happen all the time in all levels of sport. When we lose, we feel cheated, but in the end we must face up to the fact that the ref. makes the final call and the score board tells the final and conclusive story. The important thing is that everyone competed hard and fair and we tried our best to work out the issues as they happened. In the end it was an awesome game to watch, hugely competitive and by the way did I hear someone say ..... rematch???Stay tuned.......

Good athletes make themselves great by showing good sportsmanship.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Congratulations to Mac.'s volleyball teams

Congrat's to all Mackenzie kids who played volleyball this year.Building skills for next year or high school is a great thing. Way to go. Huge kudos to  the grade 6 boys for going to the cities and bringing back some hardware! Talented bunch of boys there. Everything these kids do they do well. Nice one guys.

Grade 6 vs grade 7's Floor hockey challenge

Tomorrow morning the grade 6's are taking on the grade 7's in a floor hockey game. Doors open at 8am sharp. you will only play if you are there BEFORE 8:10 am. After that you will be a spectator1. looking forward to this match. The grade 6 's have alot of practice under there belt so lets see how they do against the mighty 7's.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Floor hockey season is here

We are set to begin floor hockey for another year. The girls will begin Friday at 8am.  The boys season will start next week as soon as the grade 7's work out the teams.Looking forward to another fun filled season.

Friday 18 October 2013

Practice times

In order to prepare for the city finals all teams will practice next week.

Where: Memorial turf.

When: Girls Monday morning 8am. Boys are welcome and encouraged to come.
           Boys Tuesday morning. 8am.

See you there. You can meet at the field or at school. We will leave the school at 8 am sharp for the turf.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Sr. Girls on to city finals!

YES! They did it and without there star player Natorie. DLG had a super star but Tia was assigned the task of shadowing her. Did she succeed? Big time. And she popped in the only 2 goals of the day! Wow Tia. The defence was amazing. Just doing the job they had to do. All 5 of them. Awesome. Cathy? Oh yeah. This girl has taken over in net. Sorry Loungo your out. Cathy's in! Patricia and Nimrit doing there job as well. Total team effort!
In the end. 2 wins today, both 1-0, to go with our 2 wins last week and we finish in first by far with 12 points!
Go Dragons!
1 other thing...
8 of the last games for the girls resulted in 8 wins 0 losses!
Cathy and Yasmin both get shutouts today.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Sr Boys soccer. OH YEAH!!

They did it!!!! Off to the city finals!!!
Oh wow. They nearly gave there coach's several heart attacks. But they won every game today. Thanks to my buddies at Nightingale for beating the mighty Strathcona. Who saw that coming? John A. Man you were on fire today. Everyone did great. 110% right Johnathon?! Awesome boys. That leaves us with 6 wins 1 tie and 0 losses. Next Wednesday city finals for Jr.'s and Sr's.

Jr girls soccer

The girls were brave little dragons but just couldn't score 1 goal. 1? Yep 1. Hey we had fun, buttons got a new nickname mostly cause Mr. Miller can't remember anyone's name and well, it just works.Oh yeah, Cathy is a crazy good goalie. Like Pacman. gobbles everything up! Way to go girls. We had fun. Lets get 'em next year.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Jr Girls soccer

Mackenzie's Jr Girls soccer team played great this week and are now sitting in second place out of four teams. That's good news because the top two teams will go through to the city finals. We are currently at 8 points and Selkirk B is sitting at 7 points. 2 wins out of 3 games next week and Mackenzie is on their way.
Cathy has worked super hard as goalie and has lead the team. Well played Cathy!
Go Dragons!

Sr. Boys soccer

Sr Boys began there march towards the city finals on Wednesday with 2 wins and a tie. The boys played there best and most intense soccer yet. Everyone gave 110% and that's just what it will take to make it to the city finals. The tie game came against one of the strongest teams, Strathcona. The Strathcona coach later said it was the most exciting kids soccer game he has every watched. Mr Coo and I would have to agree with that. The boys did fantastic. 4 more games next week and if we can win them all then it's off to the finals!
Go Dragon's!

Sr. Girls make it 8-0

The Sr. girls have just finished over at Trudeau elementary. They won both of there games 2-0 with Natorie getting all of the goals. A great showing for the girls as these games count towards making it the city finals in 2 weeks.If the girls can beat Trudeau and DLG next week, they will be on there way. They have now gone 8-0.
 Go get 'em Dragons!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Jr. boys going to City Finals

The Jr. boys team is going to the city finals in 2 weeks. They played in a zone with 5 other teams including a another Mackenzie team. The games were extremely close and Mr. Coo and I nearly had a heart attack on several occasions. Thanks to goals from Nico, ( on a penalty kick at the end of the game), Alek, to tie Fleming at the end of the game, and grade 4 student Caden, the boys are headed to the finals. Wow. The other Mackenzie team played hard but came up short. Well done to both teams.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sr. Boys go 4-0

The Sr. boys went 4-0 in some very exciting play at Mount Pleasant elementary field today. They played in the rain and cold but it didn't matter. The boys were very focused and several had outstanding performances. Dylan lead the squad with 2 goals including a beautiful tap in from a perfectly placed corner by Shivek. How many times do I tell you kids "Go to the net!"? Dylan listened. So did Rosh. They were rewarded with goals. It's that simple boys, and girls.
2 more weeks to go and we are just getting better. Keep working hard Dragons!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Jr Girls Sitting Pretty!

The Jr. Girls are in the thick of things over at Selkirk elementary. Today they walked away with a win a tie and a lose. That's good enough for second place. The top two teams will go to the city finals so we are in good shape with 2 weeks left. Lets practice hard and go get 'em DRAGONS!!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Soccer Week #2

The second week of soccer has just wrapped up. A great week was had by all teams and we managed to stay rain free all week! The Sr. girls played today at Trudeau and with the help of 2 jr.'s, Cathy and Rita they won all 3 games. Nice work girls.
Keep coming to practice and working on your own time at least 10 minutes a day!
Go Dragons!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Soccer season

We have just finished the first week of the soccer season. A good start was had by all teams. The Sr. girls met an old friend or 2 out there. (Hi Martina!) and I think everyone is now over there first week nervousness. It was also nice to go the whole week with almost zero rain.Yeah.
Lets make sure we keep showing up to practice and keep up all the hard work. The excitement is building and we will just get better. We are also wearing the new Mackenzie jersey's and look great out there.
Go Dragons!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Welcome back!!

Great to be back at Mac.  Mr. Coo and I are very excited about soccer this fall! Please take advantage of all the fantastic opportunities to play sports throughout the school year as it only adds to the joy of your life. Never be afraid to take on a new activity or sport. The more the better. All of the staff at Mac. do it because we love to see fit and healthy kids so get out there and get involved!
Lets play SOCCER!

Girls Monday practice 8am
Boys Thursday practice 8am
Optional (you do not have to go) Tuesday 8am at Memorial park turf field. This was a blast last year so I hope it goes well again!It's just one big scrimmage.Please meet at school 7:50am.

Please ALWAYS wear appropriate footwear or you will NOT play.
Please ALWAYS be on time.I am and I expect you to be as well.
Play hard. Have fun, and laugh a little.
Mr. Miller
I am also excited to see our lunch and recess group up and going again.It is always the BEST part of the day. I love to see such a big turn out and it is always WAY to Much FUN!!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Summertime fun!

Hope your all having a great summer and getting out there to play!I have just returned from a fantastic trip into the mtns.  riding my bicycle and swimming. Anyone interested in playing soccer on the Mackenzie field? Please leave a comment so I know that you are interested and if we have enough kids to play. I will check back in a couple days and if there is enough interest, will have a kick around. Hope you are enjoying the sun!
Mr. Miller

Thursday 20 June 2013

Thanks From Mr. Miller

I would just like to say thanks to all Mackenzie students who participated in the many sports programs I organized this year. It is my pleasure to open the gym doors or run with you on the soccer field so a huge thanks to all of you for being active. I especially want to thank all kids who tried a sport for the first time. You are  awesome. It makes me happy to see so many kids get involved and be active!
A special thanks also to the best soccer club in Vancouver- all the boys/ girls who continuously show up for recess and lunch soccer.Way, way too much fun!!!!You rock!

Mackenzie Tops Grouse Mountain.

4 classes from Mackenzie went out today and climbed the legendary Grouse Grind. Congratulations to all students for making it to the top! Fantastic day with a little bit of rain.Way to go Mackenzie.

Friday 7 June 2013

Grade 7 Girls Flag Football

It rained.
22 had signed up.
6 came.
Not good.
Florence was late!
We played and we had a ton of fun. Come out next week. Mr Martin and I challenge all grade 7 girls. Mr Coo may play to. Can you get Mr Millway out too?
So that's the challenge. Teachers vs. Grade 7 girls!
See you Friday morning at 8 am Do NOT be late. Do NOT be afraid of rain. It won't kill you it will only make you wet.

Friday 31 May 2013

Football For Grade 7's

You asked and you get. Ok Florence?
Be ready....
8 am  Wednesday mornings Boys

8 am Friday mornings Girls

Down, Set Hike!!

Thank-you Grade 7's

Big thanks to the grade 7's for the surprise party for the coaches. The treats and sports equipment were very appreciated as was the warm words said in your cards.
Mr. Miller

Monday 27 May 2013

Rain Rain means go to the gym!

So it is clear.....
If it is raining in the morning and you have an activity like soccer or football, then go to the gym. We will practice in there.
See you there!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Flag Football for Grade 7's

Grade 7's are set to start playing flag football sometime in the next week, as soon as track finishes up. Thanks to Florence and Aryan for getting this going.

Ultimate Frisbee

The grade 6's have begun learning Ultimate Frisbee with the aid of a group of John Oliver Ultimate players. The practice is taking place after school on Thursday's and we just had our first one. Everyone seems to be having a great time!

Monday 29 April 2013

Track practice starts this week!

Track starts this Wednesday and Friday morning at 8am sharp.Do NOT be late. Come with a positive attitude and runners on your feet. There will be a meeting Tuesday morning at recess for all to attend.

Friday 26 April 2013

Tuff kids XC challenge This Weekend!

Great fun and exercise awaits you this weekend.
Sunday at Queen Elizabeth park.
Find running boring?Than do this.It is called Tuff Kids XC challenge. It is an obstacle course to run thru and challenge yourself.Go for it Mackenzie.
Check out the link below...

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Flag Football For Grade 5's

Flag football will start Monday morning's for the grade 5's. 8:15am be on TIME!

Monday 22 April 2013

Ultimate Frisbee coming to Mackenzie.

Want to learn to play a new and exciting game?Ultimate Frisbee is coming soon.Stay tuned......

Monday Morning's Track Practice

Hey runners!
Get out there and run.We have the best of the best for coaching , a neighborhood mom with a real passion and knowledge for running. Don't miss out on this great opportunity.Monday morning 8:15 am. Do NOT be late.
Ready, set run!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Soccer skills for everyone

Want to improve your soccer skills?
What do you need?1 friend, 1 ball and a whole lotta desire..

How do the pros play?How do they play as a team and pass the ball?Watch this link to see how the game is really played. By the way, this is a good chance to learn some Spanish to!

Here is another great video. Again very simple to do anytime, anyplace. All you need is a ball!

The Latest Soccer News

Here is the official list of soccer activities now at Mackenzie...

Tuesday's- Boys 4-5 practice w/ Mr.Coo and Miller
                 Boys grade 6 self directed scrimmage 8:15 am be ON TIME!
Thursday's Girls 4-5 practice w/Mr. Coo. and Miller
                  Girls grade 6 self directed scrimmage 8:15am be ON TIME!

GRADE 6-7 MLS soccer league See the sports board in the hall to check out your team and game times.Any issues please take up with Justin and Ryan (grade 7's) Mr. Miller is hands off on this one!

Ok get out there and play soccer.BY the way....
Girls check out this goal I posted the link down below.That's what girls can do!!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Girls Soccer starts Thursday!

Ok Girls grade 4 and 5. Thursday morning at 8:15am. Do NOT be late. We are going to learn some ball skills and learn to pass.Get ready!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Soccer Season Is Here!

All grade 4, 5 and 6's interested in learning soccer meet in Mr. Coo's room Monday at recess for soccer sign up. We will begin practices Wednesday mornings at 8am for boys and Thursday mornings for girls.Please be ON TIME.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Edmonton Wins MHL Finals!!!

Thanks to all teams for an incredible final 2 weeks.Hate to see it done but all good things must come to an end. This is how it unfolded......
Recess- Boston just demolished Winnipeg 6-1. 5 goals for Madjic Mackenzie. No contest. Boston grabs third overall.
Lunch time. 20 minutes of pure excitement. Kondo opens the game with a goal for Edm. but LA fights back to take a 3-2 lead.Whats this?LA from 8th to 1st? With one minute remaining Kondo ties it up to send it into sudden death OT. 2 minutes and 12 seconds into OT Kondo pounces on a puck at the side of the net and slides it passed Johnathon Quick for the win.The fans go nuts.The team mobs the goalie in a big pile.The trophie is handed to the victors and everyone gets some chocolate.Not bad?
Year 2 of the MHL a huge success.Mr. Miller is very happy and only wants to see the league grow bigger and better.Who wants to help? Looking for applicants for the 2013-2014 season beginning late October.
Thanks for making Mr. Miller's rainy days so bright guys!Well done.
On to spring soccer!!!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Hockey Finals Wednesday

The last day of the year.
Surprise 8th place LA is in the final.But, they are up against the mighty Edmonton Oilers or shall I say Kondo's scoring machines?Can LA pull off a final and great upset?Find out at lunch tomorrow in a 20 minute epic final!
3rd place will be fought over recess with Winnipeg taking on Boston.

Monday 8 April 2013

Morning drop in floor hockey

Come one come all. Morning drop in floor hockey 8-9am. First 18 kids there play.

Hockey Semi Finals Tuesday

Tuesday lunch hour hockey....
The American divisional final will take place at 12:25 Boston vs LA.

The Canadian divisional final will see Winnipeg vs Edmonton 12:40.
Get your tickets now!
Wednesday we will have the battle for 3rd place over all at recess and lunch will be a 20 minute final for the 2013 MHL cup.
Good luck to all teams.

Friday 5 April 2013

Edmonton vs Toronto Rock MacKenzie gym!!!!

Wow.What a game.Held over for a day because of a tie, the 2 teams got back to business for OT #1 at recess today. Kondo took control of things in the first 10 minutes putting his Edmonton team up 3-1.But Justin and the Toronto boys never gave up.In the last minute Justin bagged 2 goals to tie it and blow the roof off the gym.We all went mental with
OT #2 lunch time. With my bag of chips in hand(Thanks Karnvir!) we enter the arena for 20 more minutes of hockey.This time however, Kondo just stepped it up a notch and no one could follow.The way he can run the distance of the gym so effortlessly is fun to watch and he took over for the boys from Edmonton.A 5-1 thrashing of Toronto to settle the score.Well done to both teams for turning a rainy day into a action packed day of hockey.
Stay tuned for more exciting action to come next week!!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Day 2 hockey playoffs heat up!!

2 exciting games today in the MHL. First Winnipeg dismantled the mighty Calgary 5-1. Ronnel comes out of nowhere for 4 big goals!Nice.Then Toronto and Edmonton. Ryan K opens the scoring early and it looks like business as usual, but no! Justin M. denies the day for Kondo and ties it up and keeps it that way to the buzzer. Tomorrow at recess we will play an exciting overtime to decide the fate of these 2 teams.Be there!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Soccer season coming soon.

Hey soccer fans.Stay tuned as the floor hockey season winds down morning soccer practices will begin.So get ready to go!

MHL playoff action

Hey hockey fans.Great first day of hockey playoffs today. L.A. upset New York in a shocker 2-1.Justin out with a back injury, was replaced by the Magic man but to no avail.Magic could not find the equalizer.
In the other game Boston beat Pittsburgh 4-2 despite Pittsburgh's goalie (Alex) getting some pro tips from Justin. Be there tomorrow at lunch for more exciting playoff action.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Spring break

Spring break is fast approaching and it is a great time to enjoy ourselves and relax a bit. However, this does not mean we should stop being physically active!The human body requires DAILY physical activity to be healthy, so whatever your passion is, get out there and do it.And lots of it.Even if it's just helping mom start a garden or going for walks with a friend, go do it!Be active, enjoy the fresh air and keep moving.
I will be taking the opportunity of having 2 weeks off to ride my bicycle more.This is something that I am passionate about and it helps keep my mind and body physically and mentally ready to be at my best all day long.
Have a great and active break!

Girls hockey

Girl's up and at em'!
8am start for the warm up and game times are 8:20 and 8:35am!
Games are Wednesday and Thursday morning.
Lets have fun!

Friday 8 March 2013

Mackenzie All Stars soccer

Our soccer team played a fantastic game today on a beautiful sunny afternoon! The action was great and there was a big turn out to watch the game. The boys played with a lot of spirit and energy but in the end fell a little short of a win. Thanks to all who came out to watch. Very well done against a strong Dickens team.Lets do it again soon!

Thursday 7 March 2013

MHL All Star week March 11th -15th

The regular seasons came to a close today with a bang!Christian scored 6 goals and Ryan 4 in a fast paced goal fest at recess.I believe Ryan wins the record for the fastest hat trick. 52 seconds! At lunch, the 2 top scorers faced off with Ryan scoring 3 and Justin scoring 5.Wow what a great finish.
Next week is All star week. There will be an All Star game and a skills competition.The top 18 players will be there as well as 1 goalie from the west and one from the east.
Playoffs will begin after Spring break.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Girls hockey league

The girls started there hockey league today.It was great.More goals then ever were scored.Reminder that Thursday morning the doors open at 8 am for warm up fun. The first game puck drop is 8:20 followed by a second game at 8:35.
Have FUN!

Monday 4 March 2013

Mackenzie vs Dickens soccer this Friday

Come out and see some high level soccer Friday after school as the Mackenzie All stars take on the rude boys from Dickens!
Cheer on our boys!

Mid Town Tigers spring soccer

Super excited about John Mullan's visit today.Spring soccer is were many,many kids have started their soccer playing, my son included.It is an exciting opportunity for Mackenzie kids!
The action starts April 20th for more beginner style players and April 27th for more advanced players.Every Saturday for 2 months.

Girls mini hockey league

Girls will begin there hockey league Wednesday and Thursday morning. The gym will open at 8 and games will start at 8:20 and 8:35 am.
Good luck and have fun.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Spring soccer league at Memorial park in April!

John Mullan will be at Mackenzie Monday morning to talk to us about an exciting soccer opportunity.Mid town Tigers spring soccer league. Starts April 20th at Memorial park soccer turf.

March sports opportunities

Floor hockey Monday 8-9am. Girls/boys
Tuesday- Soccer at Memorial park 7:45- 9 am Boys/girls
Wednesday Floor hockey Boys lunch and recess.
Wednesday Floor hockey Girls 8-9am
Thursday Girls mini league 8-9am
Friday Mr Miller gets to play soccer at recess and lunch with his favorite students.Yeah!

Friday. don't miss the Mackenzie boys soccer all stars take on the mad dogs from Dickens 3:15 on the field.Come out and cheer our boys on.
Spring break watch for exciting MHL hockey playoffs .plenty of tickets available.
April. Spring Soccer practice begins.