Thursday 18 April 2013

The Latest Soccer News

Here is the official list of soccer activities now at Mackenzie...

Tuesday's- Boys 4-5 practice w/ Mr.Coo and Miller
                 Boys grade 6 self directed scrimmage 8:15 am be ON TIME!
Thursday's Girls 4-5 practice w/Mr. Coo. and Miller
                  Girls grade 6 self directed scrimmage 8:15am be ON TIME!

GRADE 6-7 MLS soccer league See the sports board in the hall to check out your team and game times.Any issues please take up with Justin and Ryan (grade 7's) Mr. Miller is hands off on this one!

Ok get out there and play soccer.BY the way....
Girls check out this goal I posted the link down below.That's what girls can do!!!

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