Friday 26 September 2014

Soccer practices and game times

Ok. Here we go. Next week it begins.

Monday mornings are girls practice time. 8am sharp,on the field.

Monday 3pm Jr. Boys meet with your coach's and go to Mount Pleasant elementary for your games. Every Monday.

Tuesday. Jr Girls play at Mount Pleasant 3pm meetup with your coach's.

Wednesday mornings. Boys practice. 8am.

Wednesday Sr Girls. play at Carleton elementary Meet your coach's at 3pm.

Please, It only works when we have mom and dad involved, driving you, ( and cheering you on) to the games. I can''t fit you all on my bicycle.

Go Dragons!!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Boys soccer practice Friday

Ok Boys. Friday morning lets meet on the field at 8am sharp for our first practice. If it is raining really hard, we will hit the gym.
See you there!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Soccer Season kicks off!

Welcome back soccer party animals! Lets get at it. Well actually we already are full speed ahead. We have 44 kids signed up for our school teams. We also have futsal happening in the gym (rainy days) and we are back with our awesome soccer parties out on the field at recess and lunch. Great to see alot of excited grade 4's, 5's and 6's out there having fun with Coo man and I plus another group of youngesters playing there own game on field 1!
Practices will begin for Mackenzie's school teams shortly. Stay tuned to my blog and Mr Coo's for updates. Looks to be an exciting season! Go Dragons!