Thursday 3 April 2014

April Schedule

We are back into it at Mac and things have already swung into high gear. Badminton and after school gymnastics have carried on at there usual times. Mr Miller, however, has swung his schedule into spring mode. As usual it simply means we play with the sun and fresh air. If it is nice out (and sometimes like today) when it's not, we are OUTSIDE. Yeah! The great outdoors. I have reserved our beloved floor hockey for 1 more month.The following is the NEW schedule until gymnastics takes over in May....
Monday -Beat it boys.. Girls ONLY 8am-9am.
Tuesday- Boys only 8am-9am grades 5-7 drop in. first 18 players play.
Wednesday- Boys unless the girls want to poke there nose in there and get a line out there 8am-9am.
Every other gym time will happen on rainy days only! Then it is first come first serve. Luck has a lot to do with it.
Football started up out of nowhere this morning and that was... spontaneous...  and tons of fun. Looks like this could become a regular Thurs,FRi. morning pre -school activity. Who's in?
Oh yeah 1 more.... coming soon. Ultimate Frisbee..................

Friday mud bowl?

Could be a wet one tomorrow. Who's in for 8:15 am football in the mud? Grade 5 and 6's I'm putting the invite out there. Could be some guest appearances from some top notch teachers too.Looks to be fun.Hope to see you. Boys only, sorry girls. Another time....