Thursday 26 December 2013

Happy holidays!

Mr Miller wants to send his Mackenzie sports fans a happy holidays. He is currently in small town Manitoba next to the Ontario border.Say Mr Miller, how cold is it?? Well today warmed up to -11. Most days the temperature has been between -21 and -37. brrrrr. COLD. gotta keep moving so my son and I are playing alot of hockey on an outdoor rink! Yes that's right.It is so cold you can make an outdoor rink and have it frozen 4 months a year. Fun times. Hope you all got great gifts from Santa now get outside in that warm Vancouver weather and play.

Friday 13 December 2013

Team Canada wins again

Team Canada won there 5th straight futsal game today 4-0 vs. the grade 7 all stars. The grade 7's gave it there best but clearly are no match for the mighty teachers. Maybe a new strategy is necessary.Perhaps they will come up with one last try next week.........

Thursday 12 December 2013

Team Canada makes it 4 in a row....

Can anyone knock off these titans of futsal? The combined skill of Millway,
Martin, Miller and Coo came up with a 2-0 win today against a select team of Mackenzie all stars. The gym was packed yet again as Team Canada put on a dazzling display of passing and shooting skill unseen before in these parts, along with some Luongo like goalkeeping from Mr. Miller. (hey Miller who writes this blog anyway!?).  Mr. Martin came up big scoring both goals for team Canada as they extend there winning streak to 4 in a row. Undefeated in the season. Can anyone knock off this power house squad? What's next? who dares to take on Team Canada now?

Grade 6's come from behind victory in floor hockey

Once again the grade 6 boys proved they are all around athletes with a come from behind win against the grade 7's, 9-8 this morning in front of a packed audience. The grade 7's took control early and half way in I thought the 7's were just to strong. However, just like in there volleyball finals the boys hung in and found a way to pull it off. was it pretty? Nah. Was there some controversy? Yeah. Alot. This however, is a huge part of sports.Questionable calls that lie on the fence happen all the time in all levels of sport. When we lose, we feel cheated, but in the end we must face up to the fact that the ref. makes the final call and the score board tells the final and conclusive story. The important thing is that everyone competed hard and fair and we tried our best to work out the issues as they happened. In the end it was an awesome game to watch, hugely competitive and by the way did I hear someone say ..... rematch???Stay tuned.......

Good athletes make themselves great by showing good sportsmanship.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Congratulations to Mac.'s volleyball teams

Congrat's to all Mackenzie kids who played volleyball this year.Building skills for next year or high school is a great thing. Way to go. Huge kudos to  the grade 6 boys for going to the cities and bringing back some hardware! Talented bunch of boys there. Everything these kids do they do well. Nice one guys.

Grade 6 vs grade 7's Floor hockey challenge

Tomorrow morning the grade 6's are taking on the grade 7's in a floor hockey game. Doors open at 8am sharp. you will only play if you are there BEFORE 8:10 am. After that you will be a spectator1. looking forward to this match. The grade 6 's have alot of practice under there belt so lets see how they do against the mighty 7's.