Thursday 31 October 2013

Floor hockey season is here

We are set to begin floor hockey for another year. The girls will begin Friday at 8am.  The boys season will start next week as soon as the grade 7's work out the teams.Looking forward to another fun filled season.

Friday 18 October 2013

Practice times

In order to prepare for the city finals all teams will practice next week.

Where: Memorial turf.

When: Girls Monday morning 8am. Boys are welcome and encouraged to come.
           Boys Tuesday morning. 8am.

See you there. You can meet at the field or at school. We will leave the school at 8 am sharp for the turf.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Sr. Girls on to city finals!

YES! They did it and without there star player Natorie. DLG had a super star but Tia was assigned the task of shadowing her. Did she succeed? Big time. And she popped in the only 2 goals of the day! Wow Tia. The defence was amazing. Just doing the job they had to do. All 5 of them. Awesome. Cathy? Oh yeah. This girl has taken over in net. Sorry Loungo your out. Cathy's in! Patricia and Nimrit doing there job as well. Total team effort!
In the end. 2 wins today, both 1-0, to go with our 2 wins last week and we finish in first by far with 12 points!
Go Dragons!
1 other thing...
8 of the last games for the girls resulted in 8 wins 0 losses!
Cathy and Yasmin both get shutouts today.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Sr Boys soccer. OH YEAH!!

They did it!!!! Off to the city finals!!!
Oh wow. They nearly gave there coach's several heart attacks. But they won every game today. Thanks to my buddies at Nightingale for beating the mighty Strathcona. Who saw that coming? John A. Man you were on fire today. Everyone did great. 110% right Johnathon?! Awesome boys. That leaves us with 6 wins 1 tie and 0 losses. Next Wednesday city finals for Jr.'s and Sr's.

Jr girls soccer

The girls were brave little dragons but just couldn't score 1 goal. 1? Yep 1. Hey we had fun, buttons got a new nickname mostly cause Mr. Miller can't remember anyone's name and well, it just works.Oh yeah, Cathy is a crazy good goalie. Like Pacman. gobbles everything up! Way to go girls. We had fun. Lets get 'em next year.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Jr Girls soccer

Mackenzie's Jr Girls soccer team played great this week and are now sitting in second place out of four teams. That's good news because the top two teams will go through to the city finals. We are currently at 8 points and Selkirk B is sitting at 7 points. 2 wins out of 3 games next week and Mackenzie is on their way.
Cathy has worked super hard as goalie and has lead the team. Well played Cathy!
Go Dragons!

Sr. Boys soccer

Sr Boys began there march towards the city finals on Wednesday with 2 wins and a tie. The boys played there best and most intense soccer yet. Everyone gave 110% and that's just what it will take to make it to the city finals. The tie game came against one of the strongest teams, Strathcona. The Strathcona coach later said it was the most exciting kids soccer game he has every watched. Mr Coo and I would have to agree with that. The boys did fantastic. 4 more games next week and if we can win them all then it's off to the finals!
Go Dragon's!

Sr. Girls make it 8-0

The Sr. girls have just finished over at Trudeau elementary. They won both of there games 2-0 with Natorie getting all of the goals. A great showing for the girls as these games count towards making it the city finals in 2 weeks.If the girls can beat Trudeau and DLG next week, they will be on there way. They have now gone 8-0.
 Go get 'em Dragons!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Jr. boys going to City Finals

The Jr. boys team is going to the city finals in 2 weeks. They played in a zone with 5 other teams including a another Mackenzie team. The games were extremely close and Mr. Coo and I nearly had a heart attack on several occasions. Thanks to goals from Nico, ( on a penalty kick at the end of the game), Alek, to tie Fleming at the end of the game, and grade 4 student Caden, the boys are headed to the finals. Wow. The other Mackenzie team played hard but came up short. Well done to both teams.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sr. Boys go 4-0

The Sr. boys went 4-0 in some very exciting play at Mount Pleasant elementary field today. They played in the rain and cold but it didn't matter. The boys were very focused and several had outstanding performances. Dylan lead the squad with 2 goals including a beautiful tap in from a perfectly placed corner by Shivek. How many times do I tell you kids "Go to the net!"? Dylan listened. So did Rosh. They were rewarded with goals. It's that simple boys, and girls.
2 more weeks to go and we are just getting better. Keep working hard Dragons!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Jr Girls Sitting Pretty!

The Jr. Girls are in the thick of things over at Selkirk elementary. Today they walked away with a win a tie and a lose. That's good enough for second place. The top two teams will go to the city finals so we are in good shape with 2 weeks left. Lets practice hard and go get 'em DRAGONS!!