Saturday 25 March 2017

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Spring break update for Moberly soccer club

Hi Boys. Hope everyone is enjoying some time away from school.I have received some good news regarding my schedule. I will be staying on full time at Moberly thru March and April. That means morning soccer club is on everyday! Due to the bad weather (rain), we will not meet this week at Moberly for soccer. I am hoping we get some good weather soon and we can meet up next week.
Enjoy your break!

Thursday 9 March 2017

Moberly soccer club

Good morning boys. Our final tourney (#9) is underway before we kick into spring break. Over spring break we will occasionally meet on Moberly field for some fun and always spirited play. Please check back to this blog for announcements as to when we will meet. As well, I will be on a new Moberly schedule after spring break and I will post the morning soccer club gym times (when it is open and when it is not) on this site. Please check here for the latest updates!
Soccer rules.

Friday 19 June 2015

Grade 4 boys are Futsal champs!!

After a very exciting 2 day tourney that capped off a nice month run of futsal( indoor soccer) in the gym, we have some new champs. The grade 4 boys. Veer, Vincent, Hamadri, and Harmon won the tourney with passion, excitement and amazing passing. Mr Coo and Mr Miller were blown away by the level of talent that has come out of this years futsal play. So many kids have become very talented young players due to a ton of hard work, focus and dedication. Well done boys and girls!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Soccer at Memorial park Friday

Reminder to meet Mr Coo and Mr Miller at school at 5 minutes to 8 Friday morning. We will walk over the Memorial park for a 50 minute game on the turf. See you there. Bring a hat. Should be cold.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Girls City finals

Fantastic sunny warm day. Wait . No. Actually not so much BUT. Soccer stops for nothing so we played in a lot of rain.
Jr girls were incredibly close to winning it all. A goal post away in fact. Then shoot outs in the finals but it was not to be.
Amazing amount of hard work! Girls soccer rules!

In the afternoon Coo and I thought the sun was on the way but... No way dude. More rain. So we quit. NO WAY we played and the Sr girls played 5 fantastic games and finished a strong 4th overall. Amazing hard work again.
Be proud Dragon girls. Be very proud. your coaches are.
Girls soccer rules!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Jr. boys are city champs!!!

The title says it all. Mackenzie is number 1 in Vancouver for Jr boys soccer!
So much hard work and dedication by those boys.